Check out our Facebook page for a reminder about our Nutrition Workshop tomorrow 8/31 at 5:30! Leading up to that some thoughts on metabolism:
Imagine a bon fire. While it is going strong, if you add more logs to it, it continues to burn. If you wait until the blaze is small and then try to add more logs, it has to work really hard to get going again. If you wait until it’s almost out and add wood, you will likely smother the fire completely.
This is the same with the body’s metabolism. You need to consistently fuel your body with the right foods to keep your metabolism firing at a constant rate. Waiting too long between meals or skipping meals, slows down your metabolism. This is why it is recommended that you eat healthy, well balanced meals, evenly spaced throughout your day, every 2 1/2-3 hours, for a total of 5-6 meals a day to keep your body’s metabolism firing at its best!